FM Snapchat Mod APK v1.90 (Snapchat v12.81.0.44) (FMSC/FouadSC)

FM Snapchat Mod APK v1.90 (Snapchat v12.81.0.44) (FMSC/FouadSC)
App NameSnapchat
Latest Version12.81.0.44
Last Updated
PublisherSnap Inc
Requirements Android 5.0Android5.0
Size144 MB
ModsVIP Unlocked
Google Playstore Google Playstore

5 Rating (127) Votes


Introduction to Snapchat:

Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app developed by Snap Inc., initially released in 2011. What sets Snapchat apart from other messaging platforms is its focus on ephemeral content – messages and media that disappear after a set time, typically a few seconds after being viewed. This ephemeral nature has made Snapchat a popular platform for sharing moments in real-time without the pressure of creating permanent posts.

One of the key features of Snapchat is its emphasis on visual communication through “snaps,” which are photos or videos that users can capture and enhance with various filters, stickers, text overlays, and augmented reality effects before sending them to friends or posting them to their Story.

Snapchat also introduced the concept of Stories, where users can compile snaps into a chronological narrative that lasts for 24 hours. This feature has become immensely popular, allowing users to share highlights of their day with friends and followers.

Beyond messaging and Stories, Snapchat offers a diverse range of features and content experiences. Users can discover news, entertainment, and original shows through the Discover section, connect with friends through text and video chats, share their location with friends using Snap Map, and even play augmented reality games.

Over the years, Snapchat has evolved into more than just a messaging app – it’s a platform for self-expression, creativity, and staying connected with friends and the world around you. With its innovative features and commitment to privacy and safety, Snapchat continues to be a dominant force in the social media landscape.

Sending Snaps:

Sending Snaps is at the heart of the Snapchat experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to send Snaps to your friends:

  1. Capture a Snap: Open the Snapchat app and tap the circle at the bottom of the screen to take a photo, or press and hold the circle to record a video. You can also upload a photo or video from your device’s camera roll by tapping the small square icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Edit Your Snap: After capturing or selecting your photo or video, you can enhance it with various creative tools. Swipe left or right to apply filters, which can change the color tone, add animations, or overlay information like the time, temperature, or speed. Tap the “T” icon to add text, use the pencil tool to draw, or tap the sticker icon to add emojis, stickers, or Bitmojis.
  3. Set a Time Limit: By default, Snaps have a time limit of 1 to 10 seconds for viewing. You can adjust this time limit by tapping the stopwatch icon at the bottom left corner and selecting the desired duration.
  4. Choose Your Recipients: Once your Snap is ready, tap the blue arrow icon at the bottom right corner to proceed to the sending screen. Here, you can select which friends you want to send the Snap to by tapping on their usernames. You can also choose to post your Snap to your Story by tapping “My Story” or send it to specific groups by tapping “Groups.”
  5. Send Your Snap: After selecting your recipients, tap the “Send” button (the blue arrow icon) at the bottom right corner of the screen to send your Snap. If you’ve chosen to send it to multiple friends or groups, each recipient will receive their own individual Snap.
  6. Viewing Confirmations: Once your friends receive your Snap, you’ll see a “Delivered” notification under their username. If they open and view your Snap, you’ll see a “Opened” notification. Remember that Snaps disappear after they’ve been viewed, so make sure to capture the moment!

Sending Snaps on Snapchat is a fun and creative way to share moments with your friends, whether it’s a funny selfie, a scenic view, or a quick video clip of your day. So get snapping and let your creativity shine!

Snapchat Stories:

Snapchat Stories revolutionized how users share their moments by allowing them to compile a series of Snaps into a narrative that lasts for 24 hours. Here’s everything you need to know about Snapchat Stories:

  1. Creating a Story: To create a Story, start by capturing or selecting your Snaps as usual. After editing them, instead of sending them to individual friends, tap the “My Story” option. This adds your Snaps to your Story, where they’ll be visible to all your friends for the next 24 hours.
  2. Editing Your Story: Once you’ve added Snaps to your Story, you can edit them further. Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner of the camera screen to access your profile, then tap the “My Story” icon to view your current Story. From here, you can tap on individual Snaps to see who has viewed them, delete them, or download them to your device.
  3. Privacy Settings: You have control over who can view your Story. By default, your Story is visible to all your friends, but you can change this in your settings. You can also create custom lists to exclude certain friends from seeing your Story or restrict who can reply to your Story.
  4. Viewing Friends’ Stories: To view your friends’ Stories, simply tap on their Bitmoji or username in the Friends list. This will open their Story, which you can watch in chronological order. Each Snap in the Story plays automatically, and you can tap the screen to skip to the next Snap or swipe down to exit the Story.
  5. Interaction and Engagement: Friends can interact with your Story by sending you private messages in response to specific Snaps. You can also see who has viewed your Story and who has taken a screenshot of any of your Snaps.
  6. Story Insights: Snapchat provides insights into your Story’s performance, including the total number of views and individual view counts for each Snap. You can access these insights by tapping on your Story and then tapping the three dots icon in the bottom-right corner.
  7. Promoted Stories: In addition to personal Stories, Snapchat also features Promoted Stories from publishers, brands, and celebrities. These Stories appear in the Discover section and offer a mix of editorial content, sponsored posts, and original shows.

Snapchat Stories have become a central part of the app’s experience, allowing users to share their daily moments in a more casual and ephemeral way. Whether it’s documenting a vacation, sharing a behind-the-scenes look at your day, or simply expressing yourself creatively, Stories offer a dynamic and interactive way to connect with your friends and followers

Chatting on Snapchat:

Chatting on Snapchat provides a direct and interactive way to communicate with your friends through text, photos, videos, and more. Here’s a guide to using the chat features on Snapchat:

  1. Sending Text Messages: To start a chat, swipe right from the camera screen to access the Friends list. Tap on a friend’s Bitmoji or username to open the Chat screen. Here, you can type your message in the text field at the bottom and tap the blue arrow icon to send it. Your friend will receive the message instantly.
  2. Sending Photos and Videos: In addition to text messages, you can also send photos and videos directly through chat. Tap the yellow camera icon next to the text field to take a photo or record a video, or tap the image icon to select an existing photo or video from your device’s camera roll. After adding any desired effects or annotations, tap the blue arrow icon to send it.
  3. Stickers and Bitmojis: Make your chats more fun and expressive by adding stickers and Bitmojis. Tap the sticker icon next to the text field to browse through a wide range of stickers, emojis, and Bitmojis. Select the one you want to send and tap it to add it to your message before sending it.
  4. Video and Voice Calls: Snapchat also offers video and voice calling features for one-on-one conversations. To initiate a call, open a chat with the friend you want to call and tap the video or phone icon at the top right corner of the screen. If your friend is available, they can choose to accept the call and start chatting with you in real-time.
  5. Group Chats: You can also chat with multiple friends at once by creating or participating in group chats. To start a group chat, open the Friends list, select multiple friends by tapping on their Bitmojis or usernames, and then tap the blue chat icon at the bottom. Give your group chat a name and start chatting with all the selected participants simultaneously.
  6. Chat Settings and Features: Snapchat offers various settings and features to customize your chat experience. You can change chat settings such as notifications, sound, and privacy preferences by tapping the three dots icon in the top right corner of the chat screen. Additionally, you can enable features like “Do Not Disturb” mode to mute notifications or use Shazam integration to identify songs while chatting.

Chatting on Snapchat provides a dynamic and engaging way to stay connected with your friends in real-time, whether you’re sharing updates, planning outings, or simply having fun with multimedia messages and interactive features.

Discovering Content on Snapchat:

Snapchat offers a diverse range of content experiences beyond personal messaging and Stories. Here’s how you can discover and explore content on the platform:

  1. Discover Section: The Discover section is where you can find a curated selection of content from various publishers, creators, and Snapchat’s own original programming. Tap the rocket icon at the bottom of the camera screen to access Discover. Here, you’ll find a mix of news, entertainment, lifestyle, and more, presented in a mobile-friendly format.
  2. Publisher Stories: Discover features content from a wide range of publishers, including news outlets, magazines, digital media companies, and entertainment studios. These publishers create daily Stories with articles, videos, and interactive elements covering topics like current events, pop culture, fashion, beauty, and technology. Swipe left or right to browse through different publisher Stories and tap on a tile to view the full Story.
  3. Original Shows: Snapchat produces its own original shows exclusively for the platform, covering genres like reality, comedy, drama, documentary, and more. These shows are designed to be immersive and engaging, with episodes typically ranging from a few minutes to several minutes in length. You can discover and watch original shows in the Discover section or by searching for specific titles using the search bar.
  4. Creator Shows: In addition to professional content, Snapchat features shows created by individual creators and influencers. These shows offer a more personal and authentic perspective, covering topics like lifestyle, gaming, travel, cooking, and fitness. You can follow your favorite creators and discover their shows in the Discover section or by searching for their profiles.
  5. Snap Map Explore: Snap Map allows you to explore public Snaps and Stories from around the world based on location. You can access Snap Map by pinching the camera screen or tapping the Bitmoji icon in the top left corner. From here, you can zoom in and out to see Snaps and Stories posted by users in different locations, including events, landmarks, and trending hotspots.
  6. Trending Topics and Challenges: Snapchat often highlights trending topics, challenges, and events in the Discover section. These may include seasonal themes, viral challenges, holidays, and cultural moments that users are participating in and talking about. You can discover trending content by exploring the Discover section or searching for specific hashtags and keywords.
  7. Personalized Recommendations: Snapchat uses algorithms to personalize content recommendations based on your interests, preferences, and viewing habits. As you interact with content on the platform, Snapchat learns about your preferences and tailors content suggestions accordingly, making it easier for you to discover new and relevant content.

Discovering content on Snapchat offers a dynamic and immersive experience, with a wide range of options to explore, from breaking news and entertainment to original programming and user-generated content. Whether you’re staying informed, entertained, or inspired, Snapchat’s Discover section has something for everyone.

Snap Map:

Snap Map is a feature of Snapchat that allows users to explore real-time Snaps and Stories from around the world based on location. Here’s everything you need to know about Snap Map:

  1. Accessing Snap Map: You can access Snap Map by pinching the camera screen with two fingers or by tapping on the Bitmoji icon in the top left corner of the camera screen. This opens the Snap Map, which displays a map interface with your Bitmoji avatar at your current location.
  2. Viewing Snaps and Stories: On the Snap Map, you’ll see “Actionmojis” representing your friends’ Bitmojis and heatmaps indicating areas with high Snapping activity. You can tap on a friend’s Bitmoji to view their location-specific Snaps and Stories, indicated by circular thumbnails on the map. Tapping on a thumbnail opens the Snap or Story for viewing.
  3. Exploring Public Snaps: In addition to friends’ Snaps and Stories, you can explore public Snaps and Stories from around the world. These include Snaps posted by users in specific locations, events, landmarks, and trending hotspots. You can zoom in and out on the map to explore different areas and tap on location markers to view Snaps from that area.
  4. Location Sharing: Snap Map allows you to share your location with friends on Snapchat. You can choose to share your location with all your friends, select friends, or go into “Ghost Mode” to hide your location entirely. To adjust your location sharing settings, tap on your Bitmoji avatar on the Snap Map and select the desired option.
  5. Heatmaps and Local Stories: Snap Map features heatmaps that highlight areas with high Snapping activity, such as popular events, festivals, and cities. You can explore these heatmaps to discover trending topics and local Stories curated by Snapchat. Local Stories feature user-generated Snaps from specific cities or events, offering a glimpse into what’s happening in different locations.
  6. Safety and Privacy: Snapchat prioritizes user privacy and safety on Snap Map. By default, your location is only visible to friends you’ve added on Snapchat. You have control over who can see your location, and you can adjust your privacy settings at any time. Snapchat also provides tools and resources for reporting and blocking users if needed.

Snap Map offers a unique and interactive way to explore the world through the lens of Snapchat users. Whether you’re curious about what’s happening in your neighborhood, keeping up with friends in different cities, or discovering events and trends around the globe, Snap Map provides a dynamic and engaging experience.

Privacy and Safety on Snapchat:

Snapchat prioritizes the privacy and safety of its users through various features, settings, and guidelines. Here’s a guide to staying safe and protecting your privacy on Snapchat:

  1. Privacy Settings: Snapchat offers a range of privacy settings that allow you to control who can interact with you and view your content. You can customize settings related to who can send you Snaps and view your Stories, who can see your location on Snap Map, who can contact you, and more. Access privacy settings by tapping on your profile icon, then selecting “Settings” > “Privacy.”
  2. Location Sharing: Snap Map allows you to share your location with friends on Snapchat, but you have control over who can see your location. You can choose to share your location with all your friends, select friends, or go into “Ghost Mode” to hide your location entirely. Be mindful of who you share your location with and regularly review your location sharing settings.
  3. Block and Report: If you encounter unwanted or inappropriate behavior on Snapchat, you can block and report the offending user. To block someone, tap and hold on their username or Bitmoji, then select “More” > “Block.” This prevents them from sending you Snaps, viewing your Stories, or contacting you. To report someone, follow the same steps and select “Report” instead of “Block.”
  4. Safety Features: Snapchat has implemented various safety features to protect users, especially younger users. For example, Snap Map features a “Map Explore” mode that hides specific locations and events from the map to maintain user privacy. Additionally, Snapchat provides safety resources and guidelines for users, parents, and educators on topics like cyberbullying, online safety, and privacy best practices.
  5. Snapchat Safety Center: Snapchat’s Safety Center is a comprehensive resource that provides information and tools for staying safe on the platform. It includes safety tips, guidelines, reporting tools, and support resources for users, parents, and educators. You can access the Safety Center by visiting Snapchat’s website or tapping on the safety icon in the app’s settings.
  6. Community Guidelines: Snapchat has community guidelines that outline acceptable behavior and content on the platform. These guidelines prohibit harassment, hate speech, bullying, explicit content, and other inappropriate behavior. Users are expected to adhere to these guidelines, and violations may result in enforcement actions, including account suspension or termination.

By familiarizing yourself with Snapchat’s privacy settings, safety features, and community guidelines, you can enjoy a safer and more secure experience on the platform. Remember to regularly review and update your privacy settings, be cautious about sharing personal information, and report any concerns or incidents to Snapchat for assistance.

Additional Features on Snapchat:

In addition to its core messaging, Stories, and Discover functionalities, Snapchat offers several additional features and tools to enhance the user experience. Here are some notable additional features on Snapchat:

  1. Memories: Memories is a feature that allows users to save their Snaps and Stories within the app. You can access Memories by swiping up from the camera screen or tapping on the Memories icon at the bottom of the camera screen. Saved Snaps and Stories can be organized into albums, edited, and re-shared at any time. Memories also offers features like “My Eyes Only,” which allows you to securely store private Snaps with a passcode.
  2. Snapcodes: Snapcodes are unique QR codes that users can scan to add friends on Snapchat quickly. Each user has their own personalized Snapcode, which can be found by tapping on your profile icon and selecting “My Snapcode.” You can also create Snapcodes for websites, adding friends, unlocking filters and lenses, and more. Simply tap on your Snapcode to access options for creating and customizing Snapcodes.
  3. Snap Map: Snap Map is a feature that allows users to explore real-time Snaps and Stories from around the world based on location. Users can view Snaps and Stories posted by friends and public Snaps from specific locations, events, and trending hotspots. Snap Map also offers heatmaps to highlight areas with high Snapping activity and curated local Stories. Access Snap Map by pinching the camera screen or tapping on the Bitmoji icon.
  4. Snapstreaks: Snapstreaks are a fun and engaging feature that rewards users for maintaining consecutive days of Snapping with a friend. When you and a friend exchange Snaps for consecutive days, a fire emoji appears next to your friend’s username, indicating the length of your streak. Keeping a Snapstreak going can add a playful element of competition and friendship to your Snapchat experience.
  5. Bitmoji and Friendmoji: Bitmoji is a personalized avatar feature integrated into Snapchat, allowing users to create custom cartoon avatars that resemble themselves. Users can use their Bitmoji avatars to express themselves in Snaps, Stories, and chats. Friendmoji allows users to include both their Bitmoji and their friends’ Bitmoji avatars in stickers and other creative elements when chatting with friends.
  6. Snapchat Premium: Snapchat Premium is a subscription-based service that offers premium features and content for a monthly fee. Premium features may include access to exclusive lenses, filters, stickers, and other creative tools, as well as ad-free browsing and additional perks. Snapchat Premium is designed for users who want to enhance their Snapchat experience and support the platform financially.

These additional features add depth and versatility to the Snapchat experience, allowing users to express themselves creatively, stay connected with friends, and discover new content in innovative ways. Whether it’s saving and revisiting favorite Snaps with Memories, adding friends quickly with Snapcodes, or exploring real-time Snaps from around the world with Snap Map, Snapchat offers a wide range of features to suit every user’s preferences and interests.

  1. Master the Camera: Experiment with Snapchat’s camera features to take your Snaps to the next level. Try using filters, lenses, stickers, emojis, text, and doodles to add creativity and personality to your photos and videos.
  2. Save Your Snaps: Use the Memories feature to save your favorite Snaps and Stories within the app. You can access Memories by swiping up from the camera screen. This is handy for preserving memories and creating content for your Stories.
  3. Use Filters and Lenses: Snapchat offers a wide range of filters and lenses that can transform your photos and videos into works of art or add fun effects to your content. Swipe left or right on the camera screen to browse through the available filters and lenses, and tap on one to apply it to your Snap.
  4. Discover Hidden Features: Snapchat is full of hidden features and shortcuts that can enhance your experience. For example, you can enable Night Camera mode for better low-light photos, use two filters simultaneously by swiping with one finger while holding down on the screen with another, or create custom Stories for specific groups of friends.
  5. Stay Updated with Discover: Explore the Discover section regularly to stay updated on the latest news, entertainment, and trends. Discover features content from a variety of publishers, creators, and Snapchat’s own original programming, providing a diverse range of content experiences to explore.
  6. Customize Your Bitmoji: Personalize your Bitmoji avatar to make it reflect your style and personality. You can change your Bitmoji’s appearance, outfits, accessories, and more by tapping on your profile icon, selecting “Bitmoji,” and using the customization options available.
  7. Keep Your Friends Engaged: Use features like Snapstreaks, Chat Stickers, and Bitmoji in chats to keep your friends engaged and entertained. Snapstreaks reward you for maintaining consecutive days of Snapping with a friend, while Chat Stickers and Bitmoji add fun and personality to your conversations.
  8. Explore Snap Map: Use Snap Map to discover real-time Snaps and Stories from around the world based on location. You can explore public Snaps, trending topics, and local Stories, as well as share your own location with friends and participate in events and conversations happening nearby.
  9. Stay Safe and Respectful: Be mindful of your privacy and the privacy of others while using Snapchat. Only share content that you’re comfortable with, and respect the community guidelines and terms of service. If you encounter any issues or concerns, use Snapchat’s reporting and blocking tools to address them.
  10. Have Fun and Get Creative: Above all, have fun and get creative with Snapchat! Experiment with different features, try new ideas, and express yourself in unique ways. Whether you’re sharing everyday moments with friends or creating content for a wider audience, Snapchat offers endless possibilities for creativity and connection.


In conclusion, Snapchat offers a dynamic and versatile platform for communication, creativity, and content discovery. With its innovative features, such as disappearing Snaps, Stories, Discover, and Snap Map, Snapchat has revolutionized the way people connect and share moments with friends and the world.

From sending fun and personalized Snaps to exploring real-time content from around the globe, Snapchat provides users with a range of tools and experiences to express themselves, stay informed, and entertained. Whether you’re capturing everyday moments with friends, keeping up with the latest news and trends, or discovering new content from publishers and creators, Snapchat offers something for everyone.

Moreover, Snapchat prioritizes user privacy and safety, providing robust privacy settings, safety features, and community guidelines to ensure a positive and secure experience for all users. By staying informed about privacy settings, respecting community guidelines, and using Snapchat’s reporting and blocking tools responsibly, users can enjoy a safer and more enjoyable experience on the platform.

In essence, Snapchat continues to evolve and innovate, remaining at the forefront of social media and digital communication. With its commitment to creativity, connectivity, and user experience, Snapchat remains a vibrant and essential part of today’s digital landscape, empowering users to express themselves, connect with others, and discover the world around them in exciting and meaningful ways.

FM Snapchat, also known as FMSC, is a modified version of the Snapchat app developed by the FMMods Team. This modified app offers a range of additional features not found in the original Snapchat, making it a popular choice for users seeking enhanced functionality and customization options.

Some of the standout features of FM Snapchat include:

  1. Download Snaps, Stories, Discover & Spotlight: Users can easily download Snaps, Stories, content from Discover, and Spotlight videos directly within the app.
  2. Half-Swipe (Peek) Alert: Receive notifications when someone swipes halfway through the chat page, providing a discreet alert for incoming messages.
  3. Location Changer: Change your location within the app, allowing users to customize their location settings for privacy or fun.
  4. Secret Screenshot without Knowing: Capture screenshots of Snaps without alerting the sender, providing a discreet way to save content.
  5. Anti Screen Record without Knowing: Prevent others from recording your screen while viewing Snaps or Stories, ensuring privacy and security.
  6. Hide View Snap/Story, Read Messages, Online Status, Typing Indicator: Maintain privacy by hiding your activity on the app, including whether you’ve viewed Snaps or Stories, read messages, or are currently online or typing in chat.
  7. Secret Typing: Send messages without notifying the recipient that you’re typing, allowing for more discreet communication.
  8. Auto-Saving Snaps: Automatically save incoming Snaps to your device’s gallery, ensuring that you never miss a moment.
  9. Night Mode Option: Enable a night mode option for easier viewing in low-light conditions, reducing eye strain.
  10. See Remaining Time for Streak Expiry: View the remaining time until a Snap streak expires, helping users keep track of their streaks.

These features are just a glimpse of what FM Snapchat has to offer. With continuous updates and improvements, FM Snapchat provides users with a comprehensive and customizable Snapchat experience. Whether you’re looking for enhanced privacy options, advanced downloading capabilities, or unique customization features, FM Snapchat is worth exploring.

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